WISE 2023 Registration

  Early Registration
(by 15-October-2023)
Regular Registration
(by 01-December-2023)
Late Registration
(till 12-December-2023)
WISE Conference Sponsorship
$1000 (Silver)
Faculty $450 $500 $600 $2500 (Gold)
Student $250 $300 $350 $5000 (Platinum)
  Faculty Student & Academics from LMI and LI countires **
Early (by Oct 15) INR 36,000 (~USD 450) INR 20,000 (~USD 250)
Regular (by Dec 1) INR 40,000 (~USD 500) INR 24,000 (~USD 300)
Late (by Dec 12) INR 48,000 (~USD 600) INR 28,000 (~USD 350)

** Lower Middle Income (LMI) and Lower Income (LI) countries, as per the categorization done by World Bank. Click here to check your country's status.

Total amount in INR:
The final amount may include an additional convenience charge to be paid to the third-party payment gateway, in the range of 0 to 5%, based on your payment type (e.g., credit card, debit card, net banking, UPI).
